All of my thoughts of late have revolved around the question of who Jesus Christ is for us today. ...
In the Evangelical church we tend to think of Jesus' commands as historical artifacts, as saying to be admired rather than obeyed without question. (...) It has become almost second nature for us as a Church to put things off, to study things to death, and then analyse the results of our indecision and disobedience. And all along we think that God is forgiving us. We are operating under a fallacy of cheap grace, thinking that we can bargain with God about our response."
This quote is best understood when remembering that Bonhoeffer was involved with the Abwehr, a German military intelligence group who conspired against Hitler. In fact, they tried to assassinate Hitler multiple times. Eventually, Bonhoeffer was thrown in prison and murdered for his involvement with the Abwehr, leaving behind his family and a fiancée. Bonhoeffer's words here call Christians to be people of ACTION, not passive bystanders who merely analyse and become complacent.